So instead of getting busy with the sewing that I really need to do, I have been 'surfing the net' and settign up my blog. I am constantly amazed by the number of really talented people out there.
I came home from work (at my part time reception job where there was nothing to do, hence the web browsing!!)this morning all inspired to launch myself into my work but alas I could not cope with looking at the pile of clean washing that needed folding any longer. So unfortunately the washing won.
I have discovered these beautiful necklaces by Lisa Leonard. Aren't they just gorgeous. I do beleive I will have to lay down some serious hints to my husband in order to get one. Perhaps I might just treat myself. The sewing will definitley have to get done first!!
Enjoy yourself looking over these. I have put a link on the side under "My Wish List"
My children are back at school next week, so some normality in my day will prevail. Hence work should get done.
Hope to have some pictures up of some new things I have made.
See you then
Hi Kate my name is Karen and you just bought a shabby chic tray off me on trademe, I couldn't help but click on your web address and found myself at your blog. I have a blog too, isn't it fun!? (even if a little addictive, lol)